Welcome! 🙂 This set of brain games will take around 15 minutes to complete 🧠
Find a quiet place where you will not be disturbed while completing the assessment.

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If there are problems during the testing, for example, because of an interruption, use the refresh button or return to the assessment using the same Link.

For a quick video introduction to our study, check out this link.

Complete the assessment as independently as possible. It's normal to do well on some games, and not so well on others. Just make sure you give it your best 👍🏼 and most of all, try to have fun! 🎊🎊

Should you have any difficulty using this site, please read our Support & FAQ here: Support (FAQ).
You can access help at anytime by clicking the 'Support (FAQ)' link on the top right of this page, where you can also find our contact email addresses should you require further support.

If you are interrupted, then you can return and complete the tests later by visiting this web page and entering your 8-character REACT access code. Please log out between and at the end of sessions, especially if using a shared device The log out button is located on the top right of the screen

Ready to start!